Phil.-theol. University Benedikt XVI. Heiligenkreuz
and Initiative Christian Family
To anyone interested in the study course Body – Bonding – Identity
There is new information concerning the start of the course Body – Bonding – Identity Development-sensitive sexual education.
Our institute has only recently taken over administration for the course BBI. Before, I served as scientific organizer and developer of this course and from now on I will be in charge of all matters relating to the course.
We cannot start our study course before borders have been reopened, social-distancing rules suspended, and life has gone back to normal.
Like many other institutions, we hesitated to settle on a final decision because further developments were difficult to predict. As of now, the future of the pandemic is still uncertain, so we have decided to reschedule the beginning of the course to the summer semester of 2021. There are several reasons for that:
We are currently working in cooperation with the monastery and the Hochschule Heiligenkreuz, organizing a schedule for the summer semester of 2021. As soon as we have more information, we will share it here.
All of us need to be patient in this unique situation. Unfortunately, we are fully dependent on our governments´ decisions. When we get specific dates, you will be informed.
All the best
Markus Hoffmann
The study course is aimed at adults who work with children and teenagers or those who want to attain new insights into sexual education.
Development-sensitive sexual education supports children and teenagers according to their whole personal development.
Expression of the person.
Agree with oneself and the other gender.
To live bonding according to ones stage of development.
To be a person.
To be a woman. To be a man.
To live life in full.
Integration of sexuality into ones own personality provides the basis for a successful bonding.
The study-course Body-Bonding-Identity is transdisciplinary. Theological and philosophical anthropology of sexuality is related to sexual science and psychological evolution contents. Such a sexual education asks under which educational conditions and with which methods growing up children can be accompanied in their sexual development to live a successful sexuality and bonding. This way a development-sensitive sexual education is created, which is communicated by the development of the following abilities:
Design of a development-sensitive sexual education going out from the child and teenager
Conversion of a philosophical-theological anthropolgy into sex education practice
well founded examination of current developments and trends in sex education
Michael Bozanovic, Jugendreferent, Religionslehrer und Sexualpädagoge ESSP®, Villach/A
Yoshi Ikuta, Lehrer, Sexualpädagoge ESSP®, Berlin/D
Rupert Haselberger, Sexualpädagoge ESSP®, Nöchling/A
Maria Schober, Sexualpädagogin ESSP®, Referentin für Theologie des Leibes, Salzburg/A
Prof. em. for religious philosophy and comparative religious studies at the TU Dresden, managing director of the EUPHRat Institute, Heiligenkreuz
member of “Initiative Christian Families” of the Austrian Bishops Conference. Director of the courses of studies “Theology of the body” and „Body-Bonding -Identity“
On which dates will the study course take place?
The dates for the next study course (Spring 2020) will be announced in due time.
Which themes will be examined at the LBI?
Who is this study-course for?
Is matriculation and/or a university-entrance diploma compulsory for this study course?
There are two possibilities to graduate from the study-course:
Which profile of qualification is expected from candidates?
To start the education to be a teacher of sexuality LBI the candidate requires
This profile can be an inspiration for the letter of motivation, which has to be filed together with the application forms. A christian religious denominaton is required.
What is required for the application?
How does the application procedure work?
Mail to requesting documentation.
Filing of the application until 15th January, 2018.
In case of positive assessment invitation to participate in the first module from 28th February to 4th March, 2017. To avoid a separate trip to Heiligenkreuz just for admission discussions, the talks will be held during and at the first module. At the end of the module each participant interested will receive in writing if he/she is admitted to the study-course.
What happens at the admission discussion?
The admission discussion is a talk with the rector of the academy, the management of LBI, the person responsible for the content of the course and one or two other people. On one hand it should clarify if the course in question can meet with the expectation of the applicant and on the other hand if the applicant meets the profile of requirements of the LBI.
How does the assessment of performance take place?
Which certificate can be achieved?
Sexual educator ESSP®
What will be credited at other places of studies?
The Phil.-theol. Hochschule Benedikt XVI. Heiligenkreuz grants for the indivdual
modules two to three ECTS;
a consideration in the area of a philosophical or theological basic or postgraduate-studies is possible as well as in the area of elective courses in various branches of studies. About the acknowledgement decides each branch of study one applies at.
Can one also start during the study-course?
As the individual modules build upon the other a start during the running course is only possible after consultation with the director of the study-course.
What are the charges of the study-course?
Participation charge for each module is 250€.
Participation charge for students for each module is 220€.*
Participation charges for married couples per person 220€.
* restricted scholarship can be granted in cases of financial hardship for fulltime immatriculated students. This is only possible due to a donation made. The application including reason is to be made to
Mrs. Taschner:
In case of financial shortage there is the possibility of payment by installments.
Who is responsible for the study-course?
Planing, content and enforcement is carried out by the Initiative Christliche Familie in co-operation with the Institut für entwicklungssensible Sexualpädagogik im Idisb e.V. and the Phil.-theol. Hochschule Benedikt XVI. Heiligenkreuz/Wienerwald.
Director of studies: Lic.theol. Corbin Gams MTh
Rector of the academy: Prof.P.Dr. Karl Wallner OCist
Fachwissenschaftliche Leitung: Markus Hoffmann, Dipl. Soz. Arbeit, Entwickl.Psych. M.Ed.
Where do I find contact persons?
For further information and questions please contact Mr. Michael Bozanovic
Is the information available in printed form as PDF data file?
You can download the folder as PDF data file here.
We can also send you a printed folder by mail. Contact:
The body, and only it, can make the invisible visible: the spiritual and the divine.
John Paul II.
Modernity must think of love as something far more wide ranging as it does.
Romano Guardini